Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Century Farm at Centre County Grange Fair

We had our special night at the Centre County Grange Fair on Aug 29 ,2011. We were presented with our Century Farm Certificate . Most of our family was there to share with us in the pride and joy of making this milestone. When the milk prices were so low the other year we could not even pay our bills , we really thought it would come to the point of having to sell our farm. But with the help of many family and friends we made it through the tough patch and were able to keep our farm. We are so very thankful for all our blessings . We are very proud of our farm being in the family for 100 years. Especially with so many dairy farmers getting out of farming and sometimes selling their farms . Joining us was Rep. GT (Glenn ) Thompson (PA) . GT has been a very good friend and has listened and tried to do all he can to help dairy farmers in PA. We were very honored that he took time out of his busy schedule to be there at the fair on our special night. Also the PA Secretary of Agriculture , George Greig was there to help present our Century Farm Award . We were very thankful to have all these people share in our joy and we will never forget it .